Recent Work
Short Stories
January, 2024
One of two stories that placed in the Top 10 of the Creative Nonfiction category in WOW! Magazine's Q1 Edition, this story is an account of a day spent with an aging mother.
"A gorgeous piece ... excellent dialogue ... strong voice. Powerful!" ~Angela Mackintosh, Editor in Chief, WOW! Magazine.
November, 2023
Selected runner-up in the Creative Nonfiction category - Q!, 2025 WOW! Magazine, this piece recounts a young woman's journey toward independence.
"A stunning essay! It's a joy to read your work."
~Angela Mackintosh, Editor in Chief of WOW! Magazine
August, 2022
Selected runner-up in the Creative Nonfiction category of the 2022 Eden Mills Literary Contest, this personal essay uses the lens of liminality to explore elder care and the death of a parent during pandemic times.
"In Between is an understated and poetic personal essay about the death of a parent during pandemic times that adopts bird and sky imagery to underline its themes of loss and relinquishment."
​~Judges Susan Olding & Sylvia Olsen
January, 2022
Published in Canadian Stories Magazine, this piece was inspired by true events from Jennifer's childhood in The Kawarthas and is part of her Cottage Series of short stories.
November, 2020
Jennifer's prize-winning short story from The Stratford Writer's Festival Short Story Contest is about the effects of the pandemic on her elderly parents.
September, 2020
A story about choosing love, this piece about the birth of Jennifer's son is included in the memoir writing program Memoir Writing Ink.
Moments of Glad Grace
A Performance Piece
adapted by Jennifer Paquette
and Alison Wearing
April, 2020
Jennifer collaborated with bestselling author Alison Wearing, adapting Wearing's memoir Moments of Glad Grace into a performance piece, a part of the National Arts Centre's Canada Performs series.​
"A talented writer with decades of theatre experience, Jennifer accepted my invitation to adapt Moments of Glad Grace into a script, and to my delight, she managed to extract many of the most engaging characters and weave them through some of the book's most humorous and tender moments."
​~Bestselling Author, Alison Wearing